Quote of the day:

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”-- Dr. Seuss.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A bat?! What?

In January, we had our madrigal choir's madrigal dinner! ^That's us up there^. The madrigal choir is a select group of singers from my high school, that perform only A Capella pieces, including pieces from the medieval-aimed genre. We all dress up too! All the girls get to wear pretty dresses and all the guys wear tights and pants. At the madrigal dinner, we perform skits, multiple concerts and old english accents at a church for guests who paid $35 bucks to come see us. It's an expensive price to pay, but everyone agrees- It's worth it.

This year, something rather bizarre occurred. My friends and I were upstairs getting our dresses and hats pinned. Then, as we went to go downstairs, we noticed something. Something that is definitely not supposed to be there. A bat! It was flying around and swooping. Of course we all screamed, and yelled, "There's a bat! There's a bat!". Then someone would ask, "what?". And of course, they found out the hard way. Across the room, there were girls trying to come in and everytime they tried walking in, the bat would swoop down on their heads and get freaked out by all the high pitched screaming. My friends Meg and Erin, and I, closed the door so the bat couldnt get any farther, but of course, the bat found a way to get in the room we locked ourselves in. The other end of the room was open with no door, so the bat flew in from there and totally ambushed us. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! so we ran into the kitchen and caused chaos there, while tripping over our dresses and falling up the stairs.

And let me tell you,

This memory was such a fun memory. It was absolutely hilarious after the chaos was through. I don't think they ever did find the bat, and we were all afraid it was going to come in during the dinner. It never did though.

Oh, and the situation looked something like this:

Played by me (the bat) and meg (everyone else). :)

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